Sunday, November 3, 2013

Chapter 17 - Personal Selling and Sales management

Sales promotion is marketing communications, activities other than advertising, personal selling, and public relations. This basically is a quick way to convince and impress consumers why they should go purchase the product from their shop. What Lexus really does is that they throw in an extra 2,000 miles on a leased car, give some OEM Lexus rugs for the entire car, and if anything O% down 0apr, these are just ways to show consumers that they are ready to give a better deal if you go purchase the item from them this technique is called Consumer Sales Promotion. Lexus is really big on the "Point of purchase promotion" what Point of purchase promotion means is that the firm/company wants to advertise their products in the most effiecnt way, Lexus always advertises their products based upon the customers personal interest. In order for Lexus to compelte the sales process they need to check off their sales cycle.

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